24. apr 2019

Calling for candidates for the Board of the Pension Fund

The EFÍA (FÍA Pension FUND) Election Committee is now calling for candidates to sit on the board of EFÍA for the 2019-2021 term of office.

Following an additional annual meeting of EFÍA last February, changes were made to the Fund‘s bylaws so that members of EFÍA will now vote for their board members directly.

According to articles 4.1 and 4.1a of EFÍA‘s bylaws, members of the fund shall vote for two board members and one reserve board member to sit on the board for a period of two years.

Those who wish to become candidates must meet the following conditions:

  • Be a member of the EFÍA Pension Fund.
  • Be financially independent and have the required knowledge and job experience, according to article 31 of laws nr. 129/1997 regarding the mandatory ensurance of pension rights and operations of pension funds, and article 6 of the Financial Supervisory Authority‘s regulations nr. 180/2013, and the in general to meet the standards for qualification and fitness of board members, according to aforementioned laws, regulations of the FSA; and bylaws of the Pension Fund.
  • Be prepared to pass a qualification evaluation of the Financial Supervisory Authority.
  • Hand in candidacy papers within a given deadline.

Those who are interested can submit their candidacy by sending an email with the requested information (see EFÍA’s website), to the Election Committees email:

The deadline for handing in a candidacy is 17:00 o'clock on May 7th, 2019.

The Election Committee

The purpose of the Election Committee is to ensure that the members of EFÍA have the requisite grounds to make an informed decision when voting for board members. One of their roles is to manage the voting process, and to submitt a reasoned evaluation on the qualification of candidates regarding their fitness to be a part of the committee. The Committees evaluation is advisory.

The Election Committee will call for and review candidates in terms of qualifications and experience necessary to sit on the board of the pension fund and also to consider the combination of the board in terms of variety, qualifications, and experience.